Thursday, March 04, 2010

The sun is back!

I spent the majority of my time in America in the northern states. I grew up under sunny skies. A cloudy day in Egypt used to feel nice and different. But the Egyptian sun wasn't always a good thing, especially in hot summer days, in dusty cities, where the gift of the green color wasn't that generous.

Now 3 months into my second Chicago year, I'm again rethinking a new relocation. South. Did you notice: South and Sun interestingly share the same first letter!

Today we have a sunny day. The world looks different, alive, and beautiful. Hope is renewed, at least in my heart. My life isn't going exactly wonderful. Something is missing. Sunshine helps me look for it, well, under better lighting! I might know what's missing. But knowing is not finding.

I did live in Florida for about a year. I don't pretend that being in Sunshine State fixed everything. But at least it could help eliminate one mood-related problem!

But moving isn't that easy. You know why. Job, money, survival issues. I did make a difficult move to Chicago 15 months ago, and it made my life better in some aspects. But I always knew that I belong somewhere warm and sunny, somewhere outdoor friendly.

I should plan my next move. The question is: how to free myself from money, or from having to work for money. I will be thinking about just that!

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