Monday, January 07, 2008

Bird in College!

I was sitting in Cornell University, Ithaca, when this bird came and stood there, looking at the horizon! Luckily, I had my camera, so I could make this moment eternal!

Birds have other ways to learn than go to college. Granted, they can visit and fly around, but they have no need for classes and textbooks, like we humans do. They come with all their knowledge already programmed into them, and most important of all, they seem to be happy! It's not because they can fly as we might think, we humans already make planes and we can somewhat fly, but this didn't change much in the quality of out "inner" existence. Birds are happy because they are natural, or spontaneous. They live in harmony with their nature, and with Nature itself. We humans have a greater task; it's a quest for our true nature, and another quest for living in harmony with, or connected to it!


Anonymous said...

that is such a beautiful picture honey, you know maybe you should think about takeing photography seriously, you could be a great success.

Mohamed Shedou محمد شدو said...

i don't really know how would i take it seriously now, but my desire is to take plenty of pictures during my next visit to egypt insha'allah, maay be it could be the base for a picture book about egypt.

micheal said... many times i wish 2 be a bird